Example for the equation oriented approach#

For the equation oriented approach we implement the equations and respective derivatives with respect to the variables

  • mass flow,

  • pressure and

  • enthalpy.

The intention is to show the idea behind the approach as it is implemented in the open source software TESPy.

Equation setup#

import numpy as np
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
import pandas as pd

The equations implemented are

  • pressure ratio \(pr=\frac{p_\text{out}}{p_\text{in}}\)

  • isentropic efficiency \(\eta_\text{s}=\frac{h_\text{2s}-h_1}{h_2 - h_1}\)

  • energy equation \(\dot E = \dot m \cdot \left(h_2 - h_1\right)\)

  • specified temperature \(T=T\left(h, p\right)\)

  • specified saturated state \(Q=Q\left(h, p\right)\)

The functions return a simple value, the derivatives return a dictionary indicating the partial derivatives to each of the relevant variables.

def pr_func(pr, p_1, p_2):
    return pr * p_1 - p_2

def pr_deriv(pr, p_1, p_2):
    return {"p_1": pr, "p_2": -1}

def eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1, p_1, h_2, p_2, fluid):
    h_2s = PropsSI("H", "P", p_2, "S", PropsSI("S", "H", h_1, "P", p_1, fluid), fluid)
    return (h_2 - h_1) * eta_s - (h_2s - h_1)

def eta_s_deriv(eta_s, h_1, p_1, h_2, p_2, fluid):
    d = 1e-2
    return {
        "h_1": (eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1 + d, p_1, h_2, p_2, fluid) - eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1 - d, p_1, h_2, p_2, fluid)) / (2 * d),
        "h_2": eta_s,
        "p_1": (eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1, p_1 + d, h_2, p_2, fluid) - eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1, p_1 - d, h_2, p_2, fluid)) / (2 * d),
        "p_2": (eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1, p_1, h_2, p_2 + d, fluid) - eta_s_func(eta_s, h_1, p_1, h_2, p_2 - d, fluid)) / (2 * d),

def energy_func(E, m, h_1, h_2):
    return E - m * (h_2 - h_1)

def energy_deriv(E, m, h_1, h_2):
    return {
        "m": -(h_2 - h_1),
        "h_2": -m,
        "h_1": m

def temperature_func(T, h, p, fluid):
    return PropsSI("T", "H", h, "P", p, fluid) - T

def temperature_deriv(h, p, fluid):
    d = 1e-2
    return {
        "h": (PropsSI("T", "H", h + d, "P", p, fluid) - PropsSI("T", "H", h - d, "P", p, fluid)) / (2 * d),
        "p": (PropsSI("T", "H", h, "P", p + d, fluid) - PropsSI("T", "H", h, "P", p - d, fluid)) / (2 * d)

def saturation_func(Q, h, p, fluid):
    return PropsSI("Q", "H", h, "P", p, fluid) - Q

def saturation_deriv(h, p, fluid):
    d = 1e-2
    return {
        "h": (PropsSI("Q", "H", h + d, "P", p, fluid) - PropsSI("Q", "H", h - d, "P", p, fluid)) / (2 * d),
        "p": (PropsSI("Q", "H", h, "P", p + d, fluid) - PropsSI("Q", "H", h, "P", p - d, fluid)) / (2 * d)

With these equations employed we can model operation of a heat pump. First, we set some input values:

  • Name of the working fluid

  • evaporation temperature \(T_1\)

  • condensation temperature \(T_3\)

  • compressor efficiency \(\eta_\text{s}\)

  • heat supplied by the condenser \(\dot Q\)

On top of that, we have to set some guess values for the variables. These are:

  • the mass flow,

  • enthalpy and pressure after evaporation,

  • enthalpy and pressure after compression,

  • enthalpy after condensation (pressure is the same as pressure after compression) and

  • enthalpy and pressure after throttling are also known already (enthalpy is the same as after condensation and pressure is the evaporation pressure).


With the process knowledge we could also calculate a couple more states already. E.g. in TESPy such a presolving step is also included, which generally decreases the problem size. However to showcase the general idea behind the method this step is left out in this context.

fluid = "R290"
t_1 = 10 + 273.15
t_3 = 60 + 273.15
heat = -1000e3
eta_s = 0.8

# guess values to start
h_2 = 400e3
p_2 = 2e5
h_3 = 420e3
p_3 = 20e5
h_4 = 400e3
m = 1
variables = np.array([h_2, p_2, h_3, p_3, h_4, m])
residual = np.ones(6)

Next we set up the Newon-Raphson method by calculating the residuals and the Jacobian matrix and updating the input variables after every iteration. This is done until the norm of the residual vector is sufficiently low.

while np.linalg.norm(residual) > 1e-4:

    ev_outlet_sat = saturation_func(1, variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    ev_temp = temperature_func(t_1, variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    cp_eff = eta_s_func(eta_s, variables[0], variables[1], variables[2], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_outlet_sat = saturation_func(0, variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_temp = temperature_func(t_3, variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    # cp_power = energy_func(power, variables[5], variables[0], variables[2])
    cd_heat = energy_func(heat, variables[5], variables[2], variables[4])

    residual = np.array([ev_outlet_sat, ev_temp, cp_eff, cd_outlet_sat, cd_temp, cd_heat])
    jacobian = np.zeros((6, 6))

    ev_outlet_sat_j = saturation_deriv(variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    ev_temp_j = temperature_deriv(variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    cp_eff_j = eta_s_deriv(eta_s, variables[0], variables[1], variables[2], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_outlet_sat_j = saturation_deriv(variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_temp_j = temperature_deriv(variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_heat_j = energy_deriv(heat, variables[5], variables[2], variables[4])

    jacobian[0, 0] = ev_outlet_sat_j["h"]
    jacobian[0, 1] = ev_outlet_sat_j["p"]
    jacobian[1, 0] = ev_temp_j["h"]
    jacobian[1, 1] = ev_temp_j["p"]
    jacobian[2, 0] = cp_eff_j["h_1"]
    jacobian[2, 1] = cp_eff_j["p_1"]
    jacobian[2, 2] = cp_eff_j["h_2"]
    jacobian[2, 3] = cp_eff_j["p_2"]
    jacobian[3, 3] = cd_outlet_sat_j["p"]
    jacobian[3, 4] = cd_outlet_sat_j["h"]
    jacobian[4, 3] = cd_temp_j["p"]
    jacobian[4, 4] = cd_temp_j["h"]
    jacobian[5, 2] = cd_heat_j["h_1"]
    jacobian[5, 4] = cd_heat_j["h_2"]
    jacobian[5, 5] = cd_heat_j["m"]

    variables -= np.linalg.inv(jacobian).dot(residual)

    h_sat = PropsSI("H", "P", variables[1], "Q", 1, fluid)
    if variables[0] > h_sat:
        variables[0] = h_sat * 0.9

    h_sat = PropsSI("H", "P", variables[3], "Q", 0, fluid)
    if variables[4] < h_sat:
        variables[4] = h_sat * 1.2

In post-processing we can check the results:

t_1 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[0], "P", variables[1], fluid)
t_2 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[2], "P", variables[3], fluid)
t_3 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[4], "P", variables[3], fluid)
t_4 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[4], "P", variables[1], fluid)

p_1 = variables[1]
p_2 = variables[3]
p_3 = p_2
p_4 = p_1

h_1 = variables[0]
h_2 = variables[2]
h_3 = variables[4]
h_4 = h_3

df = pd.DataFrame(index=[1, 2, 3, 4], columns=["m", "T", "h", "p"])
df.loc[1] = [variables[5], t_1, h_1, p_1]
df.loc[2] = [variables[5], t_2, h_2, p_2]
df.loc[3] = [variables[5], t_3, h_3, p_3]
df.loc[4] = [variables[5], t_4, h_4, p_4]
m T h p
1 3.483096 283.15 585672.587117 636601.564181
2 3.483096 343.582866 655236.564663 2116752.919654
3 3.483096 333.15 368135.6923 2116752.919654
4 3.483096 283.15 368135.6923 636601.564181
df.loc[2, "m"] * (df.loc[2, "h"] - df.loc[1, "h"])

Now, let’s see, what happens, if we change some parameters. For example, instead of the heat we specify the compressor power and instead of the efficiency we specify the compressor outlet temperature:

power = 200e3
t_2 = 360
residual = np.ones(6)
while np.linalg.norm(residual) > 1e-4:

    ev_outlet_sat = saturation_func(1, variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    ev_temp = temperature_func(t_1, variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    cp_temp_out = temperature_func(t_2, variables[2], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_outlet_sat = saturation_func(0, variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_temp = temperature_func(t_3, variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cp_power = energy_func(power, variables[5], variables[0], variables[2])

    residual = np.array([ev_outlet_sat, ev_temp, cp_temp_out, cd_outlet_sat, cd_temp, cp_power])
    jacobian = np.zeros((6, 6))

    ev_outlet_sat_j = saturation_deriv(variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    ev_temp_j = temperature_deriv(variables[0], variables[1], fluid)
    cp_temp_out_j = temperature_deriv(variables[2], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_outlet_sat_j = saturation_deriv(variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cd_temp_j = temperature_deriv(variables[4], variables[3], fluid)
    cp_power_j = energy_deriv(power, variables[5], variables[0], variables[2])

    jacobian[0, 0] = ev_outlet_sat_j["h"]
    jacobian[0, 1] = ev_outlet_sat_j["p"]
    jacobian[1, 0] = ev_temp_j["h"]
    jacobian[1, 1] = ev_temp_j["p"]
    jacobian[2, 2] = cp_temp_out_j["h"]
    jacobian[2, 3] = cp_temp_out_j["p"]
    jacobian[3, 3] = cd_outlet_sat_j["p"]
    jacobian[3, 4] = cd_outlet_sat_j["h"]
    jacobian[4, 3] = cd_temp_j["p"]
    jacobian[4, 4] = cd_temp_j["h"]
    jacobian[5, 0] = cp_power_j["h_1"]
    jacobian[5, 2] = cp_power_j["h_2"]
    jacobian[5, 5] = cp_power_j["m"]

    variables -= np.linalg.inv(jacobian).dot(residual)

    h_sat = PropsSI("H", "P", variables[1], "Q", 1, fluid)
    if variables[0] > h_sat:
        variables[0] = h_sat * 0.9

    h_sat = PropsSI("H", "P", variables[3], "Q", 0, fluid)
    if variables[4] < h_sat:
        variables[4] = h_sat * 1.2
t_1 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[0], "P", variables[1], fluid)
t_2 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[2], "P", variables[3], fluid)
t_3 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[4], "P", variables[3], fluid)
t_4 = PropsSI("T", "H", variables[4], "P", variables[1], fluid)

p_1 = variables[1]
p_2 = variables[3]
p_3 = p_2
p_4 = p_1

h_1 = variables[0]
h_2 = variables[2]
h_3 = variables[4]
h_4 = h_3

df = pd.DataFrame(index=[1, 2, 3, 4], columns=["m", "T", "h", "p"])
df.loc[1] = [variables[5], t_1, h_1, p_1]
df.loc[2] = [variables[5], t_2, h_2, p_2]
df.loc[3] = [variables[5], t_3, h_3, p_3]
df.loc[4] = [variables[5], t_4, h_4, p_4]
m T h p
1 1.820021 283.15 585672.587117 636601.564181
2 1.820021 360.0 695561.432352 2116752.919654
3 1.820021 333.15 368135.6923 2116752.919654
4 1.820021 283.15 368135.6923 636601.564181
df.loc[2, "m"] * (df.loc[2, "h"] - df.loc[1, "h"])
(PropsSI("H", "P", df.loc[2, "p"], "S", PropsSI("S", "P", df.loc[1, "p"], "H", df.loc[1, "h"], fluid), fluid) - df.loc[1, "h"]) / (df.loc[2, "h"] - df.loc[1, "h"])

We can see that there is little change to the previous setup of the system. If we are able to abstract guessing starting values, ordering the equations and variables and connect the variables and equations with the Jacobian automatically, we can solve such systems no matter how the user specifications are and how the topology looks like (in principle) without having to extend or tweak or solution algorithm for every application. All this has been implemented in TESPy, as you will learn in the next chapter.